Cyber Threat Intelligence Conclave On 31st May 2019

In today’s busy, high-tech world, most of us have a wide variety of our own personal information stored either online on our social media accounts or by the company’s that we deal with such as our banks and favourite online retailers. And while this information is generally stored safely and securely, it can still be vulnerable if ever targeted by cybercriminals. Therefore, cyber threat intelligence is something that we all need to know about and understand that in the long run, it’s meant to protect our valuable personal information.

Cyber threat intelligence involves gathering raw data about potential or pre-existing threats from a variety of sources. This information is then filtered and analyzed to create intelligence feeds and threat reports which can then be used by automated security control systems. Essentially, the main purpose of threat intelligence is to keep companies and organizations informed about the risk of persistent cyber threats, as well as the ways they can protect themselves from them.

When implemented well, threat intelligence can help to achieve the following objectives:

  • Ensure you stay up to date with the often overwhelming volume of threats, including methods, vulnerabilities, targets and bad actors.
  • Help you become more proactive about future cybersecurity threats.
  • Keep leaders, stakeholders and users informed about the latest threats and the repercussions they could have on the business.

Cyber threat intelligence key mission is to research and analyze trends and technical developments in three areas: Cybercrime, Hactivism, and Cyberespionage (advanced persistent threat, APT or Cyber spying). Those accumulated data based on research and analysis enable states to come up with preventive measures in advance. Considering the severe impacts of cyber threats, Cyber threat intelligence has been raised as an efficient solution to maintain international security.

Finally, the main reason that you should care about cyber threat intelligence is that it can help you become knowledgeable and proactive about both present and future threats to cybersecurity and your personal information.

You can't defend your business if you don't know what threats are coming your way.

In every major data breach the victimized companies had lots of security tools and staff. Yet they still were hit hard - losing millions of customers personal information. It's clear that you cannot rely on the traditional cybersecurity approach to ensure your information is protected.

In fact, almost 75% of cyber attacks are going undetected. And once they are, it's too late!

Instead of waiting until you know you've been breached, get proactive with cyber threat intelligence.

Be with us on 31st May 2019 to explore more on this topic. Strava Cyber Labs - A Cyber Defence Centre (venture by Strava Technologies) along with Kerala Police Cyberdome and ISACA are organizing this Conclave on CYBER THREAT INTELLIGENCE.

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