vEarly Cloud™ is cloud based Multi-hazard Early Warning System built to reduce the economic losses and mitigate the number of injuries or deaths from a Disaster, by providing information and a multilingual CAP (Common Alert Protocol) alert that allows individuals and communities to protect their lives and property. The CAP alerts that are delivered through the platform would empower people or the Government authorities to take appropriate action prior to a disaster. The system is capable of managing hazards/disasters such as flood, landslide & pandemic etc. in both Pre & Post situations. vEarlyCloud™ now helps the State & District level Disaster Management government authorities to enable the participation in disaster management and to coordinate different stakeholders with adequate operational capacity including clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
The platform act as an Early Warning Decision Support System Leverage technology to enhance the efficiency of disaster risk management efforts.
The platform support to manage and monitor the Disaster Preparedness & Resource Management.
Interactive weather forecast & nowcast dashboard for Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) & Private weather companies.
State/country wise interactive map view (of the weather data) for better decision making.
Provision for managing and sharing all types of disaster related emergency alerts.
Help to manage/track the trained volunteers for pre and post disaster management activity.
Flexible searching provision to find the critical supplies, equipment and human resources from India Disaster Resource Network.
Solution deployment on private/public cloud with easy installation and configuration.
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